After any disaster, if it is hundreds of miles or thousands of miles way, the feeling of helplessness always sinks in. I look at the news and other media outlets and it hurts me to see the devastation of life and property. Mother nature can really be a big equalizer. No matter what humans can create or build, mother nature can always show us that she is stronger than us.
If you look at the Google Earth pictures of before and after, thousands of lives had to be effected. Entire towns are wiped out. Where building once stood, earth and water are the only remnants in a lot of scenarios. Right now, official totals of lives lost stands at just under 2000. That number is going to jump tremendously. Towns are missing.
I guess with this feeling of helplessness, we can only try to do what ever we can. We should pray for the living and the dead. But we should also help. Look at different agencies that helps and donate to them. International Red Cross, Church World Services, Doctors without Borders, Episcopal Relief and Development, and Americares are all worthwhile agencies. There are others, these are just a few that I know of.
Here are the links if you want to donate directly to a cause:
You can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 in support of the Japan earthquakes and pacific tsunami.
Church World Services- Donation page
Doctors without Borders
Episcopal Relief and Development
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