The country is so fed up with what the media calls establishment
politicians that the left is flocking to Bernie Sanders and the right is
jumping off the deep end with Donald Trump. To me, this is the worst that this
country has ever been with regards to politics. Politics aside, despite what
both sides tell you, we aren’t in too bad of a shape.
Let’s start with the economics of our country. In 2007-2008,
we had the worst financial crisis in a generation. Greedy investors, bankers,
and regulators created this problem. The real estate collapse was caused by
banks that created new and improved ways that regulators couldn’t get a handle
on. Then bundle the horrible loans into bundles and had investors hedge against
those loans. Guess what we all lost.
At the same time, we elected our first black President. Some
would say that his race doesn’t matter, but if you look at why Trump is leading
GOP polls, think otherwise. After the stimulus package was passed in 2009
(everyone forgets in 2008 Bush pushed a smaller stimulus package through too), that
was the beginning of the fracture between the two parties. With the Affordable
Care Act pushed through that solidified partisan divides.
Because of the ACA, the Tea Party came about and forever changed
politics. Now conservative politicians were tested by “are you conservative
enough?” litmus tests. Just because of that fracture among the GOP,
Conservatives even if they wanted to, could not reach across the aisle and
compromise. Ever. Despite the rhetoric, our economy has grown ever since Obama
came into office.
Politics is messy. No one wins. Everyone compromises. At
least that is how it always was until then.
What is good for the country is no
longer good politics. Compromise was always a cornerstone of good governance.
The Democrats in 2009 ended it. The Tea Party Republicans, ever since,
perfected it. Rhetoric trumps substance (no pun intended).

Demagoguery by both
parties have blown up our political process and has left it in shambles. Sadly,
the parties have drawn lines in the sand and no one can cross those lines now.
This is why Sanders is appealing to the left. Trump is appealing to a far troubling
side where misogyny and bigotry far outweighs substance. Flash is winning the GOP over. That is not
good. You will absolutely win the majority of the White vote, but you will lose
all the rest. Mark my words here, if Trump wins the nomination, we will have
another Democrat in the Oval Office. It won’t matter who it is.
When it comes to the Republican party, the gerrymandering of House Districts have created GOP safe Districts so their biggest fights are against each other, not Democrats. It is a race to be the most Conservative. That is great for that district, but the majority of the country are now voting for Democrats. It will not play well in a General Election especially when your main candidate is bashing women and minorities, the people you need to get elected President. White males are quickly becoming a minority and like it or not, the GOP must attract them. Your own party leadership said as such in your 2012 "autopsy" report.

Remember you don’t want to see sausage and laws being made.
Compromise is not a dirty word in politics. We need party leaders that will not
only corral their party, but also bridge the divide. We have no one like that
now and I am worried we shall never see that again, at least any time soon.
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